Design and Advisory:
- A strategic business and implementation plan on market readiness and market access of subsistence livestock farmers (Matzikama Local Municipality)
- Anglo Platinum Mogalakwena mine -Development of a district development model and evaluation of projects
- Business and agricultural development service for Matozi “10” farmers
- Business plan for a livestock development hub De Beers (Venitia Mine)
- Business plan for a Nwanedi vegetable hub De Beers (Venitia Mine)
- Business plan for a potato agri hub De Beers (Venitia Mine)
- Business plan for intensive sheep farming – Loeriesfontein
- Business plan for the Koekedouw emerging farmers – Ceres district
- Business plan for Vhembe Macadamia
- Business plans for the Lower-Orange River Dried Fruit Initiative (Blocuso, Karbis, Rigtersveld, Goodhouse, Pella)
- Development & design of a transformation baseline tool
- Development of a broad-based BEE strategy with a focus on sustainable practices for Orange River Wine Cellars (ORWC)
- Development of a financial tool (wine production and processing) for scenario analysis for Carlsheim farm
- District development model and evaluation of projects – DWF
- District development model and evaluation of projects – Loeriesfontein
- District development model and evaluation of projects De Beers (Venitia Mine)
- District development model and evaluation of projects over the Sibanye Stillwater group’s area of influence
- Enterprise development plans for emerging potato farmers
- Evaluation of 16 potential community projects for the Lower- Orange River Dried Fruit Initiative to determine the low hanging fruit
- Financial viability study – Trevor’s Farm
- Investigation on irrigation supply alternatives, project feasibility and affordability of water – small-scale farming, Robertson, Western Cape
- Kumba Livelihoods development of a district development model and evaluation of projects in the Sishen and Kolomela Mines areas of influence
- Kumba Livelihoods development of a poultry business case in the Kolomela mine areas of influence
- Kumba Livelihoods development of a shared services Agri-Hub in the Sishen and Kolomela mine areas of influence
- Lesotho horticultural incubation hub
- Pre-feasibility studies & business plans for emerging potato farmers (Potatoes South Africa)
- Red Meat Industry Services business plans for emerging farmers (LDS programme)
- Screening of 8 projects and baseline studies on chosen projects in the Olive industry
- Skills Accelerator Programme (Hortgro) – Design of Implementation Plan
- Small holder development plans for 24 Deciduous Fruit Development Chamber (DFDC) projects
- Strategic framework for (Sterkstroom, Molteno, Agricultural development Programme – SMAD) – DWF
- Strategic plan for Oudrif No. 2, Louterwater, Langkloof
- Sustainable smallholder tea irrigation project in Tanzania
- Technical evaluation of Jobs Fund projects
- 50 Black Farmers Commercial Programme – Transaction advisor
- Emerging farmer integration project – Establishment of the Deciduous Fruit Development Chamber (DFDC)
- Enterprise development sub-programme (developing 6 business plans for emerging farmers in the SMAD programme) – DWF
- Establishment and management of the Ceres Koekedouw emerging farmers secretariat
- Management and implementation of the Domestic and International Market Readiness and Market Access Programme
- Skills Accelerator Programme (Hortgro) – Implementation of the programme
- Training of transformation farmers in financial management and recordkeeping
- Monitoring and Evaluation of numerous Jobs Fund projects
- Monitoring and Evaluation of the SMAD programme for DWF
- Skills Accelerator Programme – Baseline development
- Analysis to determine the scope of transformation projects funded in the South Africa with respect to the production and processing of oilseeds (Soybeans, Sunflower, Canola and Groundnuts)
- Chapter on Land Reform Model 3. Group operations on land not owned by government