- A diagnostic and design evaluation of the service needs of different farmer categories
- An impact evaluation study of the Post-harvest Innovation Programme
- Consultancy to undertake the Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Botswana
- Drought impact study – Klein Karoo deciduous fruit farming
- Economic impact of fruit fly infestation in the grape and citrus industries of the lower Orange River irrigation area
- Implementation support of the Project Khulisa agri-processing interventions
- Possible impact of the proposed toll road plazas on the N1 and N2 for the rural communities of the Western Cape
- Possible impact of water pollution in the Berg River irrigation region
- Provision of technical assistance services to the Jobs Fund – agricultural specialists
- Shadow prices of farm labour for selected regions in the Western Cape
- Springboklaagte mine agricultural impact assessment
- The evaluation of DBSA funded projects in the water and sanitation sector. Case study Ceres Bulk Water Augmentation Scheme