- Dr Hamman Oosthuizen attended the 3rd World Irrigation Forum (WIF3) of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) to deliver a presentation at the International Workshop (WS-CLIMATE), 01 September 2019, Bali, Indonesia.
- Dr Hamman Oosthuizen participated in a Bamboo study tour to China organized by INBAR (International Network for Bamboo and Rattan) 4-19 June 2011.
- Dr Daan Louw attended the “13th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the 3rd Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol” in Bali, Indonesia. December 2007.

Global Exposure
Since its inception 26 years ago OABS has become a participant in the global agri business industry through projects, research, and engagements in around 30 countries.

Global Exposure
Since its inception 26 years ago OABS has become a participant in the global agri business industry through projects, research, and engagements in around 30 countries.
Asia and Australasia
Central and North America
South Africa
New Zealand
Republic of Ireland
United Kingdom
Mexico – Mexico City
United States Of America:
- District Columbia-Washington DC
- State of California
- State of Colorado
- State of Nevada-Las Vegas
- Sate of New York-New York City
Angola|Botswana|Egypt|Ethiopia|Kenya|Lesotho|Mauritius|Morocco|Mozambique|Namibia|Rwanda|Senegal|South Africa|Tanzania|Uganda|Zambia|Zimbabwe
Denmark|France|Germany|Italy|Netherlands|Republic of Ireland|Russia|Sweden|Switzerland|Turkey|United Kingdom

Asia and Australasia
Australia|China|Indonesia|Malaysia|New Zealand|Uzbekistan
Central and North America
Mexico – Mexico City
United States Of America:
District Columbia-Washington DC
State of California
State of Colorado
State of Nevada-Las Vegas
Sate of New York-New York City
Africa (outside South African borders)
- Work for the Namibian Meat Board asks for a number of visits to Namibia in 2019.
- Dr Daan Louw travelled extensively in 2018 to various Eastern and Southern Africa countries to participate in a regional tobacco farming study for the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
- The OABS team did consulting services to support value chain analysis/development for poultry & eggs, maize, and soy, and coffee value chains in Angola during 2018.
- Assessment of the Horticulture Value Chain took the OABS team to Lesotho in 2017.
- A technical due diligence on farms in Botswana resulted in an interesting trip for the OABS team in 2016 which included drone flying of the area.
- The OABS team were involved in the Development of a Agro processing strategy for Namibia resulting in several visits for field work during 2015.
- Dr Daan Louw, Mr Rihan Saayman and Mr Ariel Hugo worked in Rwanda from 9 February until the 17th of April 2014 for the National Agricultural Export Development Board of Rwanda on the Development of a Horticultural Marketing Strategy for Rwanda.
- Dr Daan Louw presented a paper on “Managing climate risk for agriculture and water resources development in South Africa: Quantifying the costs, benefits and risks associated with planning and management alternatives” at the International Conference on: Water Management Issues in Africa, 29-31 March 2012 – Port Louis, Mauritius.
- Dr Daan Louw attended a workshop in Dakar Senegal to write a chapter “Water sector: Opportunities and challenges for institutional governance and adaptation policies” in a book “Institutional vulnerability – Adapting institutions to meet climate change impacts in Africa”. From 28 October to 3 November 2011.
- Dr Daan Louw attended the first Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-1) conference of the newly-established Africa Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) at UNECA in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 17-19 October, 2011.
- Dr Daan Louw attended a follow up workshop on Integrated Risk Assessment under the Climate Change Adaptation for Africa (CCAA) program (sponsored by the IDRC and DFID) in Nairobi, Kenya, 24-29 November 2008.
- Dr Daan Louw attended a workshop on gender issues and climate change adaptation under the Climate Change Adaptation for Africa (CCAA) programme (sponsored by the IDRC and DFID) CCAA program in Dakar, Senegal, 18-22 February 2008.
- Dr Daan Louw attended a Inception Workshop under the Climate Change Adaptation for Africa (CCAA) program (sponsored by the IDRC and DFID) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 16-10 April 2007.
- Dr Daan Louw attended a workshop on Integrated Risk Assessment under the Climate Change Adaptation for Africa (CCAA) program (sponsored by the IDRC and DFID) in Nairobi, Kenya, 22-31 August 2007.
- Dr Daan Louw attended a workshop on Research and Project Management under the Climate Change Adaptation for Africa (CCAA) program (sponsored by the IDRC and DFID) CCAA programme in Cairo, Egypt, 10-14 September 2007.
- Dr Daan Louw attended a research team work session on the Climate Change Adaptation for Africa (CCAA) programme (sponsored by the IDRC and DFID) CCAA program in New York, USA, 13-27 August 2010.
- Dr Daan Louw attended a GAMS (General Algorithm for Mathematical Simulation) course in Monteray, California during January 2000.
Central America
- Dr Hamman Oosthuizen presented a paper at the International Water Association (IWA) Water – Energy – Climate (WEC) conference in Mexico City, Mexico, May, 21st , 2014
- Dr Hamman presented a poster presentation at the International Crop Modelling (iCROPM) Symposium during 15-17 March 2016, Berlin, Germany.
- Dr Hamman Oosthuizen and Mr Felix Reynders presented a paper at the 12th International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) International Drainage workshop 23 – 26 June 2014, St Petersburg, Russia.
- Dr Daan Louw presented a paper on “Quantifying the costs, benefits and risks associated with climate change risk for water resources – planning and management alternatives in the Berg River Catchment Area of the Western Cape Province of South Africa” at the World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy, Dublin Convention Centre, 13-18 May 2012.
- Dr Daan Louw attended a research team work session on Climate Change Modelling in Copenhagen, Denmark as part of the Climate Change Adaptation for Africa (CCAA) programme (sponsored by the IDRC and DFID) CCAA program from the 6th to the 20th of September 2011.
- Dr Daan Louw undertook a field trip to visit the irrigation regions of Uzbekistan for the World Bank, International Finance Corporation on the project – Uzbekistan Water Efficiency and Agriculture Project – 26th February – 13th March 2011.
- Dr Daan Louw attended the Fruit Logistica Exhibition in Berlin, Germany and the Harbor of Rotterdam, Netherlands – 6 February – 13 February 2011.
- Dr Daan Louw attended the CLIMATE CHANGE Global risks, challenges and decisions conference in Copenhagen, Denmark from 10-12 March 2009.
- Dr Daan Louw visited UNEP-Riso in Copenhagen, Denmark and the University of Bonn in Germany to work on models which will simulate the economic impact of climate change 22 August – 9 September 2008.
- Dr Daan Louw attended a course on Agricultural Trade, the World Trade Organization and the Doha round. Wageningen Business School, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 22-26 May 2005.
Australia and Oceania
- Dr Daan Louw visited Australia and New Zealand, June to August 1999 to study methodologies to determine the value of water and the impact of water markets.